Bacteria in the gut key to good health- Irish times 14/7/2012

By ashling on July 18th, 2012 and posted in information

Are you a “tea and toaster” – a person who habitually makes a meal out of these two items or some other restricted combination of foods , if so , you probably have an unhappy gut . UCC and Teagasc have researched the role of gut health in the elderly  and how it affects our overall health and wellbeing and found that there was a more varied bacterial mix in the elderly living in the community . Lower bacterial levels also correlated to frailty and poorer health , the researchers found. The lack of variety  was in turn linked to a lack of variety in the diet , a condition seen as typical in the” tea and toasters” . Many people ate a repetitive diet and this was not enough to keep their guts happy and healthy.

Try to include 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day into your diet, have wholegrains rather than processed foods and include natural yougart and probiotic foods to help manage the gut bacteria levels in your favour .

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