What is it about summer; for some reason it always seems easier to eat healthier when the sun shines! When you think of summer food and nutrition, you think bright zesty fruit and vegetables, hearty salads, and lazy alfresco dining – and the great thing is, when you’re planning your summer dishes, it’s not too hard to get the balance right for your body and digestion.
The best way to maintain health is by getting into the habit of creating delicious, nutritious, achievable meals .We all live such busy lives, especially in the summer if the children are off school, you’re chasing your tail and how you feel, and your energy levels are all linked to what you’re putting into your body. In order to give yourself the best chance, good personal health is all part of that journey.
Often, we need to retrain our brain and how we view food; it should be something that feeds, fuels and nourishes you, but also, it’s one of life’s best medicines. So, if you’re falling off the healthy-eating bandwagon or just want to get on it; we’re here to help!
- Stop eating cereal for breakfast.
There’s so little goodness in it and very heavily processed. We have been brainwashed into believing we only have time to pour some milk over cereal – but that’s not true. In the summer think fruit pots with chia seeds and nut milk, protein-packed egg dishes, homemade granola with Greek yoghurt.
- Up your fish intake.
As an island nation, we’re surprisingly bad at eating fish. Summer is a great time to try and introduce more of it into your diet. Try a piece of grilled salmon, simply cooked with herbs and lemon or make up a simple, mayo-free tuna salad with some chopped apple and onion.
- Get a green smoothie in first thing.
Google green smoothie recipes and you’ll find 7 million of them. It will make you healthier, give you energy and fight the bloat. Summer is full of delicious in-season greens, the more you can get the better! It’s always better to go for a healthy homemade smoothie with a mix of greens and berries rather than fruit juices which can be very high in sugar content.
- Drink water before every meal it can help digestion – even try a squeeze of lemon in it.
- Move more. Walk the dog, yoga, gym, or whatever you want to do. Just move.
- Preparation is key!
In summer months you want dishes that can be made ahead, boxed up and taken to work or on a day-tip out. Don’t limit yourself to salads, think outside the lunchbox, like healthy soups, jam jar salads, tasty veg omelettes, quinoa packed salad with some mango, tomato and feta – yummmmy!
- Be smart with your snacks.
Snacks can be the most dangerous part of your daily food intake as they often have loads of hidden calories and very little nutrition. In the summer, find some great alternatives, like homemade fruit lollies, veggie sticks and hummus, homemade nut butters and slices of apple or energy balls.