How Kitchen Herbs Make You Slim

By ashling on March 1st, 2011 and posted in information, superfoods

Chives (Cleanse from Within)

There are special sulphur compounds (sulphides) in chives. Combined with mustard oils, they stimulate every gland in the digestive system. The body t produces more digestive juices, and the body cleanses itself from within.

Kitchen Tip:

Chives add a hint of onion flavour to salads and quark, but they are much milder and don’t cause bad breath. Chives lose all their flavour if they are cooked, so it’s better to sprinkle chives onto fully cooked soups. Cut the chives into tiny pieces with scissors. That way, the wonderful juice goes into your food instead of being wasted on the cooking board.

Freshness Test:

It’s best to buy the long, tubular-stemmed chives potted. They should be strong, smell good and stand up straight. With careful and regular watering, chives should last for about a week on the window ledge.

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