Irish Children are not getting their five a day

By ashling on July 4th, 2012 and posted in information

Latest Irish National Diet and Nutrition survey shows:

  1. 53% of children do not eat raw vegetables or salad
  2. 40 % do not eat cooked vegetables
  3. 60% do not eat cooked green vegetables
  4. 11% of boys and 7% of girls eat no fruit or vegetables at all
  5. 75% of children drink fizzy drinks

Optimum Nutrition ( which includes five portions of fruit and vegetables a day ) can :

  1. Improve children’s mental clarity, mood and concentration
  2. Increase their IQ
  3. Increase their physical performance
  4. Improve their quality of sleep
  5. Improve their resistance to infection
  6. Protect them from disease

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