CPD event for Reflexologists/Therapists

By ashling on July 18th, 2011 and posted in Uncategorized

 Date:                      Saturday 27th August, from 9.30am-5pm 

Venue:                   Golden Egg Holistic Centre, Portlaoise

Topic:                     Nutritional Support for Female Hormone Issues

CPD:                       50 points IRI, 25 points NRRI

Fee:                        €60

Facilitators:           Margot Kearney Dip NT and Ashling Ward Dip NT

Contact:                 Margot or Ashling at 059 9164991 or email info@nutritionclinic.ie


Aims and objectives

The aim of this workshop is to develop and improve existing knowledge of a wide range of female hormone issues and how these can be supported by appropriate nutritional and lifestyle protocols.

The objective is to educate reflexologists so they will have a more in-depth understanding of their clients’ health issues and be able to provide safe and responsible support.

Topics covered

  1. Underactive Thyroid, PMT, Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovaries, Infections, cystitis, Sub fertility, Menstrual irregularities, Menopause, Osteoporosis
  2. Common triggers
  3. The role of the liver and GI tract
  4. The importance of blood sugar balancing and the effects of stress on the body
  5. Female hormone diet; foods, menu’s, recipes
  6. Stress management and other lifestyle factors

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