Our Nutrition Clinic looking towards a bright and healthy future

By ashling on June 13th, 2011 and posted in Uncategorized

Foresight, the British association for the promotion of pre-conception care, has developed a programme that has been helping couples experiencing problems with infertility to conceive for over thirty years. And now, two of Carlow’s local nutritional therapists, Ashling Ward and Margot Kearney who together manage the Nutrition Clinic in Carlow town, are accredited practitioners of the Foresight Fertility Programme.

In Ireland, infertility is estimated to affect approximately one in six couples with one in five pregnancies ending in miscarriage. Research also shows that besides age, health and stress are key factors.

Everyone these days knows the truth in the old saying ‘You are what you eat’. A healthy diet is also vital to a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. Proper nutrition can help to correct hormone imbalances that affect your ability to conceive. Certain foods and drinks, like alcohol and caffeine, are known to lower fertility.

“There is no ‘one size fits all’ healthy diet”, states Ward. “Each one of us is unique with our own individual needs. Good nutrition is required to maintain a healthy body, increase fertility and ensure a healthy baby”.

There are many variables involved in fertility problems. Research has shown that it takes at least three months for immature eggs to develop enough to be released during ovulation, and three months for a healthy batch of sperm to develop. So if you are trying to improve your fertility, it’s clear you need to plan ahead before conceiving.

While most mums-to-be are aware of that folic acid prior is an important nutrient prior to conception and during pregnancy, most people don’t know it’s also important in the father’s diet – along with vitamin C, Zinc and various other vitamins and minerals. Drinking sufficient water is also important for male fertility since dehydration can lower sperm count.

Apart from putting in place a healthy diet, it is also important to consider exercise, de-stressing and avoiding toxins. Giving up smoking is a must to ensure a healthy baby. Cigarettes contain over 2500 chemicals and have been associated with many adverse pregnancy outcomes like low birth weight and pre-term deliveries.

If you are planning a baby in your life, getting advice and help from a qualified nutritional therapist will be useful in putting together an individually-tailored nutritional programme as well as helping to identify possible obstacles to conception.

To contact our clinic phone 059 9164991

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