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Signs to look out for as you move through your 40s

Signs to look out for as you move through your 40s

First it started with shorter cycles. I didn't pay too much attention at first, I could have the odd cycle longer or shorter than normal. But then I noticed I was way more irritable than was warranted, and my breasts felt as they did when I was pregnant (except I...

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”Why am I so tired?” Common reasons for fatigue in women

”Why am I so tired?” Common reasons for fatigue in women

"Why am I tired all the time?" As women we can be pulled in several directions in any given day. From being a supportive partner, working full time, keeping up with friends, and, for some, being a mother on top of all that it can begin to take its toll. We have a...

Why meal plans don’t work (and what I recommend instead)

Why meal plans don’t work (and what I recommend instead)

Meal plans are everywhere right now. From Instagram to self-help books, you’re bound to come across a meal plan. They’re advertised as tools to solve your symptoms or to take the stress out of meal planning. I frequently get asked for meal plans from my clients too....

Tips and Tricks to get more Vegetables into your Diet

Tips and Tricks to get more Vegetables into your Diet

I’m always trying to get more vegetables into my and my family’s diet. The recommended intake of vegetables is 5 portions per day, and in some countries this has increased to 7!! From doing my workshops and talking to clients, some people find it hard to even get 3...

Kefir Ice-Pops

Kefir Ice-Pops

Made with milk kefir and a selection of fruits of your choice, these homemade kefir ice-pops are the perfect alternative for highly processed shop-bought ice-creams. They’re really easy to make because you can just whip them up in the blender, pop them in a ice-pop...

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Side Effects of Constipation

Side Effects of Constipation

Constipation – it’s not normal, but it is common. Constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints experienced by women. So if this is you, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that approx. 25% of people in the world suffer with constipation, but it’s not often...

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5 Tips to reset your Circadian Rhythm

5 Tips to reset your Circadian Rhythm

Are you struggling to sleep at night? Is your bloating getting you down? Is your anxiety increasing? Did you know that all these symptoms could be linked via your internal body clock? I previously explored the role that our natural body clock has to play in our health...

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Gut-Soothing Ginger & Slippery Elm Tea

Gut-Soothing Ginger & Slippery Elm Tea

Do you suffer with acid reflux or indigestion? This easy to make at home gut soothing slippery elm tea could help to soothe your digestive system. Slipper Elm is a mucilaginous herb, known for its soothing properties.What is Slippery Elm bark? Slippery elm tea is a...

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Sugar and your Gut Health

Sugar and your Gut Health

Did you know that the make-up of your gut bacteria can be harmful to your health? This all depends on what we feed our gut bacteria. Our gut bacteria thrives on fibre. Fibre that we mainly get from fruits and vegetables, but also grains, beans, lentils and nuts&...

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Gut Nourishing Granola

Gut Nourishing Granola

When it comes to breakfast it may be easier to reach for the cereal or a slice of toast, rather than look at preparing a meal like you would dinner. However, studies have shown that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. But how you break that fast...

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