
Eating more fruit and vegetables is important for all of us but how many of us are actually getting our five a day ?

Fruit and Veg are packed with essential vitamins and minerals and fibre which may help reduce the risk of many diseases such as heart disease and cancer .So its important to eat a variety of at least five portions of fruit and veg a day.

There are so many ways to get your five a day. Why not try adding vegetables’ to favourite foods such as spaghetti bolanise or chicken curry. Also you can have a portion of fruit for a mid morning and afternoon snack.

To get the best from your fruit and vegetables, try buy in season , steam your veg when cooking them and eat fruit when as fresh as possible . The advice is eat a rainbow of fruit and vegetables rather than sticking to your usual one or two sources .

If you want help increasing the volume and variety of fruit and veg in your diet , contact our clinic for a one to one consultation on 0599164991.

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