
  Thank you for your booking!

Thank you for purchasing a Power Hour with me – I’m really excited to be working with you!

What happens now?

Please check your email, you should have received an email confirming your purchase, confirmation of the initial consultation and a request to create an account with Practice Better, my on-line client portal. I would recommend downloading the Practice Better App as an easy way to communicate with me, view your protocols and view your up-coming appointments on the go.

Within your client page on the Practice Better platform you will be able to view your up-coming appointments and any protocols or notes that I share with you during the time we work together. You can also chat to me securely via the Chat button within the portal! Don’t worry if you can’t find everything, you will be automatically enrolled in an on-boarding program that will show you around your client area.

You will also receive an email from Practice Better requesting you to fill out a pre-appointment questionnaire and food diary. Please complete this prior to your appointment as this will give me detail on what you would like to focus on during the Power Hour session.

If you haven’t received these emails please send me an email directly and I will look into it for you (suzanne@nutritionclinic.ie)

I look forward to meeting you properly soon!

In health
